Friday, August 9, 2013

Queen Bees, Weddings, and Cute Irish Boys( Niall Horan)!p=3

    The fanfiction 'Queen Bees, Weddings, and Cute Irish Boys' kind of caught my attention: I like queen bees, weddings, and definitely cute Irish boys. But readers don't be fooled! Behind this fun title, lies the story of the main character, Aura Lockwood. The story itself can make one laugh, can make one cry, and one especially swoon with this hot romance between Lockwood and Niall Horan, one of the hotties from One Direction. Now, I'm not going to tell you everything because you need to read this good read on your own, but let's just say: Lockwood has a lot of background some of us can easily relate to, but lives the life we all would die for! And for all of my people who are like me, and say," One Direction? Umm...okay." Trust me, I am not a big fan myself- but this fanfiction can definitely make your heart pump! There are two awesome prologues and 17 amazing Chapters that will leave your face like this:

When was the last time you read something that left you in this expression?! Well, after reading this story, I had to ask the author some questions about 'QBWACIB'. And George Melete said," When I finished my story, I felt pretty proud of myself, actually, since it was the second novel I'd ever finished. At the same time, I was sort of disappointed that the story was over, and I also felt I could have tried a little harder on the plot, or some of the scenes. So basically, I was both happy and annoyed with it. Success rate in stores . . . I might give it a 4 to 5 out of 10. What to tell the readers (is to them directly? I'll write it like that, I guess): I'm glad that you guys actually read my story, for one. I had a lot of fun writing it - really, that was the main reason I wrote it. I hope that you liked reading it as much as I liked writing it. ;D 
If you really liked it, maybe you could recommend it to some friends? ♥ ♥ ♥" 

So you've heard it here folks! Read Queen Bees, Weddings and Cute Irish Boys Today!

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